Meet Lauri Mackey

Sometimes it is relevant to begin at the end. I am living proof that happy endings are absolutely possible. Happily married, living the dream of blogging, vlogging, public speaking and soon to be podcasting, mother of three, grandmother of two, and still out there head coaching the local high school mountain bike team. My name is Lauri Mackey. I am 45 years old and have become a self-proclaimed crusader for creating positivity in the lives of women who have found themselves in a slump over past decisions that are holding them back in their current lives.

Statistics and odds are completely against those of us who chose to take harder paths than others, but I wouldn’t want to change the journey that brought me to this destination. If someone would have told me thirty years ago that I would have to endure certain trials in order to reach the destination of happiness, I hope I would have heartily said, “Sign me up!”

My goal is to take my story to the masses because I honestly feel that if I can make it...anyone can! I mean that honestly and sincerely. There is hope! And once you believe in yourself, it is possible to feel hope that others can and will make it as well.

I don’t believe in mincing words or beating around the bush. I am a reality driven, give me action steps, follow a plan kind of gal. I do believe that hearing others stories can create the impetus one might need to begin their own journey of healing. I have grown to appreciate my journey. To accept that the path I chose may have been difficult, but it has helped me grow into the person I am now and will help me continue to grow into the person I want to be when I grow up. 
Presenting for A Reason to Stand March 5th Boise Idaho. To reserve your seat visit Tickets